By telling us your country of residence we are able to provide you with the most relevant travel insurance information.
Please note that not all content is translated or available to residents of all countries. Contact us for full details.
For the purposes of travel insurance, your Country of Residence is generally the place where you legally reside, not necessarily your country of citizenship or where you were born.
It’s the country you would want to be sent back home to if you needed to be evacuated for medical reasons, or if your trip is interrupted for some other reason.
It is not always clear what your Country of Residence is when you travel and work around the world.
1. Change the country in our selector to where you currently live and see if the definition for this country matches your situation.
2. If this isn’t right, try selecting the country on your passport and check this definition against your current situation.
3. You can keep changing the country selector to see what definitions for each Country of Residence and find the one that is accurate for your situation.
If you’re still not sure, you can contact us.
Please select your country of residence