By telling us your country of residence we are able to provide you with the most relevant travel insurance information.
Please note that not all content is translated or available to residents of all countries. Contact us for full details.
For policies purchased on or after 17 December 2021 please refer to the Policyholder Manual or contact us if you have any questions.
For policies purchased on or before 16 December 2021 please see below.
Para apólices compradas a partir do dia 17 de dezembro de 2021, consulte o Manual do Segurado para maiores informações ou entre em contato conosco para esclarecer as suas dúvidas.
Para apólices compradas até o dia 16 de dezembro de 2021, por favor veja o conteúdo abaixo.
É a pessoa física, nascida ou naturalizada no Brasil, com um passaporte ou documento válido para viagem ao exterior, um comprovante de residência recente e uma conta bancária no Brasil
Your country of permanent residence is the country where you have your permanent home or principal establishment and to where, whenever you are absent, you intend to return.
This is the country you may be repatriated back to if you are unfit to continue your trip or if you require long term medical care after a medical emergency while travelling.
Your policy can’t cover any expenses incurred within your country of permanent residence.
Each policy has specific conditions or definitions of residence depending on the country you live in, so do read the policy wording carefully to see if you’re eligible to buy it.
Also, if you are travelling with people from different countries of residence, they will have to buy separate policies to cover their country of residence, which may have different terms and conditions of cover.
We’re here to help if you have a question about travel insurance. We’re available:
Capitals and Metropolitan regions:
(11) 4020 0902
Other regions:
Hearing impaired service:
Please select your country of residence