By telling us your country of residence we are able to provide you with the most relevant travel insurance information.
Please note that not all content is translated or available to residents of all countries. Contact us for full details.
For information relating to policies purchased prior to 8 November 2022, please check the Policy Wording provided with your purchase. You can contact us if you need this sent to you again. For policies purchased from 8 November 2022, please see below.
We'll cover countries on your 'must visit' list EXCEPT those that have a specific warning equivalent to a ‘Do Not Travel’ or ‘Avoid Non-Essential Travel’ warning issued by the Foreign Ministry of your Country of Residence, the World Health Organisation (WHO), or similar authority in the circumstances.
Government warnings can be issued or changed without notice at any time, so always check the status with the Foreign Ministry of your Country of Residence, and the World Health Organisation before you buy a policy and before you pay anything towards your trip.
Please note that government travel sanctions also restrict us from paying claims, so we’re unable to offer cover to travel to sanctioned regions or countries.
Sanctions and government warnings change, so we'll tell you when you get a quote if we can cover you to travel to a specific country or region. When you get a quote add all countries you'll be travelling to.
The more detail you give us on where you're going, the more helpful we can be.
This is only a summary of cover and does not include the full terms, conditions, limits, and exclusions of the policy. You should read your policy wording in full, so you understand what is and isn’t covered. If you are unsure about your level of travel cover, please contact us for help.
We’re here to help if you have a question about travel insurance. We’re available:
For policies purchase on or after 2 December 2018:
For policies purchased before 2 December 2018:
Please select your country of residence