By telling us your country of residence we are able to provide you with the most relevant travel insurance information.
Please note that not all content is translated or available to residents of all countries. Contact us for full details.
We offer travel insurance to most countries in the world, however war or sanctions may affect coverage available to a destination or region.
If the U.S. State Department has issued a travel warning for a country you’re planning to visit, you should be realistic about the assistance we will be able to provide – for example, we might not be able to offer an emergency evacuation if the government of the country you’re in won’t allow it.
You should also expect to pay out of pocket for any expenses, and then claim for your costs to be reimbursed once you’re back home.
Government warnings can be issued or changed without notice at any time, so always check the status with the U.S. State Department before you buy a policy and before you pay anything towards your trip, either deposits or the full amount.
If a country is a sanctioned country, we are not able to offer coverage if you travel there, and this includes paying any claims for events that may occur while you are there, or are related to your travel there.
We are prohibited from offering coverage to US travellers who are traveling to countries that have economic or trade sanctions against it.
Sanctions and government warnings change, so we'll tell you when you get a quote if we can cover you to travel to a specific country or region. When you get a quote, you can add individual countries (Thailand, Vietnam, Laos) or regions (Asia, Europe, Worldwide) or a mix of both (Thailand, Vietnam, Asia). The more detail you give us on where you're going, the more helpful we can be.
Coronavirus (COVID-19) and travel - what you need to know
Please read your plan documents carefully. Cancellations due to fear of travel are not covered. However, our plans may provide coverage if you become injured or ill prior to your trip or while on your trip. Learn more here:
About CoronavirusPlease select your country of residence