Sometimes things happen that are outside of your control and result in you needing to make a change to your trip. If your trip is interrupted or disrupted, you may be able to reclaim costs you incur as a result.

What is covered under Travel Disruption?

We may cover you for reasonable additional travel expenses up to the standard of your original booking, which are attributed directly to an insured event that results in your trip being disrupted after you have left your home.

Our policies cover three ways your trip could be disrupted:

  • Travel delay – if your transport is cancelled or delayed by an unexpected and unavoidable Insured Event.
  • Missed Connection (Explorer Plan Only) – if you fail to arrive in time to board any onward connecting carrier on which you are booked to travel, including connections within your Country of Residence.
  • Natural Catastrophe - if your accommodation is affected due to a natural catastrophe you may be covered for reasonable additional accommodation and transport costs.

What are insured events?

Cover is provided for insured events when they are sudden, unforeseen, avoidable, outside of your control, and occur after you have been issued your Certificate of Insurance.

There are 9 insured events for Trip Disruption cover, which you can find in the Policy Wording.

Note: If you’re travelling on a one-way ticket, we expect you to pay the cost of an Economy Class airfare home, as this is considered a reasonable and necessary cost you’d ordinarily incur during your trip.

What if my flight has been overbooked or is cancelled due to staffing issues?

If your flight has been overbooked and you are waiting to be put on another flight, we may cover you for costs associated with delays that are longer than 12 hours. This may include cover toward the cost of meals and refreshments, up to the limits shown on the Summary of Cover.

If your flight has been cancelled due to staffing issues you may be covered for reasonable accommodation and flight expenses if no other reasonable alternative is provided by the airline, up to the limits shown on the Summary of Cover.

Things that aren’t covered by Trip Disruption insurance

Some of the things we won’t cover regarding Trip Disruption cover include:

  • You declining any reasonable alternative service or compensation offered by your airline or other travel service provider.
  • You not having allowed for the airline’s official minimum check-in or transit time. For example: not leaving reasonable time for traffic delays is not a claimable event.
  • Withdrawal from service, temporarily or otherwise, of the aircraft, coach, train or sea vessel on the order or recommendation of the Civil Aviation Authority or Port Authority or similar body in any country.
  • You being denied boarding due to drug use, alcohol abuse, or your inability to provide a valid passport, visa or other documentation required by the airline or their handling agents.
  • You travelling against the advice of the local or national government authority relevant in the circumstances. We won’t cover any loss, claim or expenses that directly or indirectly relate to or arise from travelling to, planning to travel to, or choosing to remain in a country or region that is the subject of a government warning of ‘Do Not Travel’ issued by the U.S. Department of State.

This is a summary only and does not include the full terms, conditions, limitations and exclusions of the policy. You should read your Policy Wording in full so you understand what is and isn’t covered. If you have any questions, please contact us.

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We’re here to help if you have a question about travel insurance. We’re available:

  • Monday to Friday 9:00am - 5:00pm (UTC/UTC+1)

Contact us


For policies purchase on or after 2 December 2018:

+353 21 237 8007


For policies purchased before 2 December 2018:

+61 2 8256 1542