By telling us your country of residence we are able to provide you with the most relevant travel insurance information.
Please note that not all content is translated or available to residents of all countries. Contact us for full details.
Cancelling travel plans always sucks – particularly when you had a date with the pyramids of Giza or that visit to the top of the Empire State Building. But if one of your immediate family members is sick and really needs you home, we may be able to help with reimbursement of your your cancelled flights and other pre-paid, nonrefundable trip costs.
You may be covered for trip cancellation or interruption if any of the following people dies or develops a medical condition that prevents you from travelling, as certified by a physician:
You or your travel companion.
Your or your travel companion’s non-traveling family member.
You need to notify us within 72 hours of deciding to cancel your travel plans.
If we approve your claim, we may be able to help with any prepaid, nonrefundable, unused travel expenses, up to the maximum limit of your plan.
World Nomads also has a 24/7 Emergency Assistance team who can help when you’re in a crisis.
We’re not able to cover every family member scenario. Coverage is not available for the following situations:
A pre-existing condition that was not stable and controlled.
Any non-emergency treatment or surgery or routine physical examinations.
Accidental injury or sickness when traveling against the advice of a physician.
Any situation not involving a family member as defined in your policy.
If you have any questions, please contact us, we’d be happy to help.
This is a summary only. It does not include all terms, conditions and exclusions of the policies described. Please refer to the actual policies for complete details of coverage, exclusions, and definition of family member.
Travel insurance is not designed to cover everything, so take the time to read the full description of coverage in the plan wording, so there are no surprises if you need to use it.
Coronavirus (COVID-19) and travel - what you need to know
Please read your plan documents carefully. Cancellations due to fear of travel are not covered. However, our plans may provide coverage if you become injured or ill prior to your trip or while on your trip. Learn more here:
About CoronavirusPlease select your country of residence