By telling us your country of residence we are able to provide you with the most relevant travel insurance information.
Please note that not all content is translated or available to residents of all countries. Contact us for full details.
If you potentially have more than one source of coverage, the coverages will be classified as primary or secondary.
If you’re eligible for reimbursement, benefits will come from the primary coverage first. Travel insurance, such as World Nomads, is secondary coverage, which means that the plan won’t pay out until after you’ve exhausted your benefits from your primary source.
Sources of primary coverage may include:
Secondary insurance may pay the remaining expenses that your primary coverage may not, up to your maximum benefit amount and in accordance with the plan terms.
An example of secondary coverage: suppose that your luggage is lost in transit. You may be entitled to compensation from your airline. The airline agrees to pay you for a certain amount, but not for the entire cost of the missing items. In this case, your World Nomads plan may compensate you for the difference, if you’ve provided the proper documentation.
Prior to filing a claim with World Nomads, you’ll have to submit a claim first with any sources that could provide primary coverage, such as those listed above. Once you’ve filed a claim, your primary coverage will advise you if:
1) they can reimburse your expense; and
2) how much they will be willing to reimburse.
Once you have that information, you’ll need a copy of the decision to submit with your World Nomads claim. Should you have a covered claim, we will be looking to reimburse you for your remaining expenses and will be unable to process your claim without this information.
It’s important to educate yourself about the medical coverages available to you as you travel abroad. Some primary medical insurance providers may not offer coverage for incidents occurring outside the United States.
If you have any questions, please feel free to contact us.
Coronavirus (COVID-19) and travel - what you need to know
Please read your plan documents carefully. Cancellations due to fear of travel are not covered. However, our plans may provide coverage if you become injured or ill prior to your trip or while on your trip. Learn more here:
About CoronavirusPlease select your country of residence