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We believe your mindset, choices and purchases can have a big impact on people and places when you travel.
Treat travel as a learning opportunity, first and foremost. Keep your eyes and your mind open. Indulge your curiosity. Be brave, and find your own journey of discovery.
Research and ask questions about a place before you go and while on the road. Strive to understand and respect cultural and religious nuances and customs. Appreciate, don’t appropriate, traditions from other cultures.
Travel smart. Remember that just because you're abroad doesn’t mean you are invincible, entitled or above the rules (you're not).
Seek meaningful travel experiences and connections. Make an effort to be more than a spectator – engage and participate whenever you can. Learn a few words of the local lingo. Your efforts won't go unnoticed, and neither will a smile.
Avoid any activity that treats people as a tourist attraction in and of themselves. Don't do anything that might endanger or exploit the local residents, whether people or wildlife.
Acknowledge that tourism has a dark side. Don't knowingly support this underbelly. Grow from any past mistakes.
Share your stories, your expertise, what you've learned. More importantly, be a good listener. Every single one of us has something to contribute. Explore the differing perspectives you encounter, and spend time trying to actively understand them.
Choose the path less traveled, and tread lightly along the way. Offset your carbon footprint, use less plastic, make the most sustainable choice wherever you can. If you think somewhere is amazing, chances are future generations will too – make sure it's there for them to experience.
Use your travel dollars to make a positive impact. Question where the money goes before you book – make sure the locals are benefiting from your travel choices. Buy locally and responsibly; barter graciously.
If you can give a little back in the places you visit, do – those few dollars can go further than you may imagine.
Most importantly, be an ambassador for yourself and your fellow nomads. You are more than just travelers – you are also powerful agents for positive change.