By telling us your country of residence we are able to provide you with the most relevant travel insurance information.
Please note that not all content is translated or available to residents of all countries. Contact us for full details.
If you decide to travel longer, we can help keep you covered!
Simply sign into your World Nomads membership and follow the purchase path.
Your policy can be purchased for the duration you choose (from 1 day up to 12 months) and your new policy certificate will be issued and saved in your membership, so check this carefully.
Any illness or injury which has come into existence, or has shown symptoms, or has been diagnosed, or received treatment for in the previous insurance period(s), won’t be covered in the new insurance period, unless the purchase of the new insurance period was made before the illness or injury occurred or had shown symptoms.
You cannot extend your insurance period after the issue date. However, you can purchase another insurance policy to cover an additional insurance period. We will waive any waiting period as long as the current insurance period has not ended and the new insurance period has a commencement date that immediately follows the end date of the current insurance period.
You will not be covered if you are 66 years of age or more at the commencement date of the insurance. You must be under 66 years of age (65 or less) at the commencement date.
We’re here to help if you have a question about your policy. We’re available:
Please select your country of residence