By telling us your country of residence we are able to provide you with the most relevant travel insurance information.
Please note that not all content is translated or available to residents of all countries. Contact us for full details.
If you want to travel longer, you can buy a new policy online while you are traveling.
Just get a quote, choose a plan and buy online, no matter where you are in the world. Your policy can be purchased for the duration you choose (from 1 day up to 180 days) and your policy documents will be sent to you by email.
You should read the Description of Coverage for full details on when cover starts and ends and all other terms, limits, conditions and exclusions of cover.
If you, your travel companion or a family member has been sick or injured within 90 days before the effective date of your policy, then these medical or dental will be considered a pre-existing medical condition.
That means the Insurer will not pay for any loss or expense incurred as the result of any medical condition, injury or sickness you, your traveling companion, or family member suffer from, have received treatment for or are required to take prescription drugs or medicines, within 90 days before coverage starts.
You should read the Description of Coverage carefully or ask us to understand how this exclusion may affect your trip.
You won’t be able to buy more cover if you’re 70 years old (or older), or if you no longer fit the definition of U.S. resident.
Please select your country of residence