By telling us your country of residence we are able to provide you with the most relevant travel insurance information.
Please note that not all content is translated or available to residents of all countries. Contact us for full details.
Yes, Americans can buy a World Nomads travel insurance plan when already traveling away from home.
You can be traveling anywhere in the world and buy a trip protection plan. You don't have to be at home or within the USA.
Your policy can be purchased for the duration you choose (from 1 day up to 180 days) and your policy documents will be sent to you by email.
You should read the Description of Coverage for full details on when cover starts and ends and all other terms, limits, conditions and exclusions of cover.
Coronavirus (COVID-19) and travel - what you need to know
Please read your plan documents carefully. Cancellations due to fear of travel are not covered. However, our plans may provide coverage if you become injured or ill prior to your trip or while on your trip. Learn more here:
About CoronavirusPlease select your country of residence