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A true claims tale
Trusted by:
Country of residence: Australia
Destination: Cambodia
Claim Amount: $163,038.06
Claim Type:
I was driving home with my friend Nick on the back of my motorbike, when, out of nowhere, a car hit us on the side. The impact immediately trapped my right leg between my motorbike and the front of the car… Nick stood up and looked at me and the first thing he said was “Don’t look at your leg. Don’t look at your leg,”. Of course, I looked at my leg, and it was gone.
Without the 24-hour medical assistance World Nomads provided, I don’t know what we would have done.
Hospital treatment
Peter needed hospital treatment in Cambodia. We kept in touch with Peter and his family and once cover was confirmed, we took care of his medical bills and hospital admin.
Escorted flight home
After Peter was stabilized, we helped repatriate him back to Australia for treatment on his leg.
Don't get caught out. Buy & claim from anywhere in the world.
If you're injured in an accident while traveling, you can be covered for emergency medical treatment including: hospitalization, day surgery and out-patient treatment, visits to registered medical practitioners, access to prescribed medicines, and medical evacuation including air ambulance.
Coverage may not be the same or available for residents of all countries, states or provinces. Please carefully read your policy wording for a full description of coverage before you buy.
Travel insurance for independent travelers. Nobody wants to think about all the things that could go wrong on their trip, but these things can and do happen. So be prepared and get your travel insurance today.